6 Second Ad - Commercial Voiceovers
Need Snappy Voice Over Talent for Short Adspace?
Attention spans are changing in the digital world, and now there are more voice over commercials than ever. From radio to podcasts, social media, and youtube videos, we hear a new VO ad almost every day of our lives. And these days, messages aren’t just limited to a few big commercial names. We hear voice actor talent covering everything: nonprofits, small family businesses, etc. There are even a few creative VO ads out there for lively marriage proposals!
How do ad companies choose the best professional voice over talent?
How can you stay viable with strong VO in a constantly changing environment?
And most importantly, how can you get your 6 second ad message to come out on top?
With hundreds of voice-driven ads entering into household spaces and work environments, you’re not just jousting with other ad companies, you have to fight with the general noise, too. Your listeners are dividing their ears between your ad space and text notifications, white traffic noise, bustling cafes, work talk, or children. The list of distractions that could potentially take away from your ad are endless, and finding your listener in between these distracting sounds is the best time to truly speak with them. But if you want to catch a fast-paced audience in this era, you have to do it in half the time!
Cut through Listener Distractions with Strong, Professional Voice Acting.
So, you decide to keep it short and sweet. Your listeners are all ears, ready to absorb your message. You have the floor, and you want your ad to jump at this quick opportunity before it passes. But delivering your brand message in one 6 second ad is a challenge for any voice over talent. Not only does it take experience to get your message out the door and into the lives of streamed content listeners everywhere, but it takes direction and intuition to find the right actor for the job. But sometimes that isn’t easy either!
Whatever voice over ad project you’re working on, you want the fit for the job, not just anyone.
This is your message, your time, and your project, and because you care about making the best possible outcome for your work, I deliver the best version of my work for your needs. To showcase the strongest examples of your company, you need the strongest team you can find. It’s rare that you encounter an actor who can professionally execute such a quick turnaround time, stay focused and get your successful, attention-grabbing ad out the door for users. And you don’t want just anyone for the job. The hardest messages to write are generally the shortest, but they also have punch, and getting a punchline voiced right, finishing the project on schedule, and making it as compelling as possible? That’s tough.
But you don’t have to worry about it with me.
Quick to conversational, energetic to relaxed, I cover your voice over ad needs.
I’m on point and ready for your lightning-fast message. No extra long takes, no missing the mark, no hassle. With years of voice expertise that spans many different categories of voice over, I’m ready to cover any type of 6 second ad that you’re hoping to create. It takes experience to really hunker down and make your vision happen, to find the right talent and move your product. Searching for the perfect fit to your voicing needs on a tight schedule can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be.
With Piece of Cake, it’s just that. Short, sweet, and simple.
Want a Few Examples of 6 Second Ad Voice Over Acting?
Check out any of my 6 Second Ad demos at the top of this page to see what I have to offer.
Want to cast a certain personality for a niche voice over? Click on the autoplay feature from the drop down list of samples and take your pick! With all of these recordings at your fingertips, there are multiple sample styles that you can review. Take a moment to peruse the big-game feeling of an NFL ad. Want something smoother? Check out the soft voice of the iconic Fancy Feast kitty or my Pfizer ad. If playful energetic is your game, look into my demos for KFC or take a trip to the magical kingdom in my Disney ad. Want to get inspired with a voice that’s both trustworthy and invigorating? Click on the informational Tesla ad or hop over to the inviting sound of my Chase Banking ad.
Whatever you’re searching for, I can deliver it with the accuracy and brevity you need to make one of the shortest ad genres in the industry today.
Only have six seconds? I’ve got you covered.
Quick, strong, and to the point, I’m here to pull off the quality voice talent you need without the quantity of time.
With my ad voice overs, I make sure your message stands out, connects with its target audience, and is delivered in exactly the way you want it to be heard.
Still worried about listener distractions? Forget about them. With Piece of Cake Voice Overs and Vocals, you’ll cut through the crowd.
Want your ad to speak? Let’s talk.