
Picture of Classical Guitarist jonathan Taylor playing the guitar with the words "The Power of Healing Through Music" on the Audio Branding Podcast with Jodi Krangle

The Power of Healing Through Music: A Conversation with Jonathan Taylor – Part 2

The Power of Healing Through Music: A Conversation with Jonathan Taylor – Part 2 “The piano is the same way. The piano has a hammer that goes like that on the string. The harpsichord has a pintrip that is plucked, all right? What do you do on the guitar? You actually pluck the string or […]

picture of Jonathan Taylor, classical guitarist playing guitar with the words The Musical Journey of Classical Guitarist Jonathan Taylor

The Musical Journey of Guitarist Jonathan Taylor: A Conversation with Jonathan Taylor – Part 1

The Musical Journey of Guitarist Jonathan Taylor:  A Conversation with Jonathan – Taylor Part 1   “And so the concert comes, and, about the ending piece of the concert. I didn’t know who I was. All that vanity and ego, ‘I’m a classical musician,’ all of that stuff, those labels go right out the window. […]

The Business of Podcasting in a Creator Community

The Business of Podcasting in a Creator Economy: A Conversation with Vinnie Potestivo – Part 2

The Business of Podcasting in a Creator Economy: A Conversation with Vinnie Potestivo – Part 2 “And I say this, y’all, if you’re actors out there are trying to audition and you’re looking, when you meet a casting director, tell them, look them in the eye and say ‘hey, you could literally be the person […]

The Creator Economy and Building Community

The Creator Economy and Building Community: A Conversation with Vinnie Potestivo – Part 1

The Creator Economy and Building Community: A Conversation with Vinnie Potestivo – Part 1 “Audio has had exponential growth these last four years. I mean, there’s just this power. It used to be supportive of video, and I think back to, like, Spielberg and Dolby and, like, some of the original advances that happened in […]

Interview with Musician, Author, & Teacher, Bob Baker – Part 2

Here’s the second part of my interview with musician, author, and teacher, Bob Baker. We talked about what drew Bob to starting his YouTube channel and how it’s grown to over 117K subscribers through the meditations and positive affirmations he posts. We also spoke about things like:  Bob’s insecurities and self-worth challenges throughout his childhood […]

Interview with Musician, Author, & Teacher, Bob Baker – Part 1

Bob Baker likes to call himself an “inspirationalist.” His mission in life is to inspire and empower people, especially creatives. Over the years, his work has included books, podcasts, music, coaching, and improv comedy. He co-authored the book The Improv Comedy Musician with Laura Hall, who you may be familiar with from the TV show […]