Research & Technology

Audio technology has come a long way in a surprisingly short time, evolving from radio and television commercials into a whole new industry of interactive, highly sophisticated digital applications and synthetic soundscapes. In these episodes, we examine just how the market's continuing to change through guest interviews and discussions about the new technology that's leading the audio revolution, from cutting-edge voice conversion software and the online integration of sonic branding to scientific breakthroughs and the seismic cultural shifts that they can bring to the audio industry.

Voice Technology: Speaking Your Mind

Voice and sound interfaces are becoming an essential part of our daily lives. Whether they're smart speakers powered by voice assistants like Alexa and Siri, or smart cars, smart doorbells, and even smart refrigerators, our devices are listening to us, and we're interacting with them without ever having to look at a screen. The internet of things is being increasingly driven by sound, and these episodes feature interviews with technologists, developers, and industry leaders who help us take a closer look at the work going on behind the scenes to create a smooth and natural experience for the user.

Business Technology: Putting Sound to Work

The business world’s also adapting to the explosive growth of audio technology: when it comes to sonic branding and marketing, it really is a new world out there. We explore the shifting paradigms and new developments that sound technology has opened up, talking to business analysts and digital leaders who help us consider how early and strategic early adoption, and choosing the right technology platform for your brand, can help protect your data and create new opportunities.

The Architecture of Sound

Sound research isn’t just about inventing and improving the devices that create sound. It can also focus on the acoustics all around us, the natural and artificial soundscapes that we’re immersed in from one minute to the next. We also talk to researchers who are working to change the very backdrop of sound, from buildings constructed from the ground up with a specific resonance to hospitals that use new technology and design concepts to lower stress and help patients recover more quickly.

Keeping up with the science and technology behind audio branding can be a challenge, especially as new developments and discoveries seem to come each day. It’s a particularly exciting time for the sound industry, and these episodes offer a variety of stories and interviews to help you keep up with the latest research, and what it means for both the present and future of audio branding.

Unveiling the Language of Sound: A Conversation with Andrea Cera – Part 1

Unveiling the Language of Sound: A Conversation with Andrea Cera – Part 1 “I don’t know if in Canada or in the States the sounds are different, but here, Toyota, for instance, is very abstract, high-pitched, it’s a bike or like ‘peeeeee,’ like this, for instance. The Renault is more reassuring, more warm, it’s welcoming, […]

In the Clubhouse: Audio Electronics Explained – Part 2

  In the Clubhouse: Audio Electronics Explained – Part 2 “I think, you know, in terms of quality and even the manufacturing, I’ve been very pleased with what I’ve been seeing from quote-unquote competitors. And as far as competing, I think the Pod Mobile is kind of different in the application and though there’s a […]

In the Clubhouse: Audio Electronics Explained – Part 1

In the Clubhouse: Audio Electronics Explained – Part 1 “Well, if you want sound to go further, you don’t… Some people say it throws sound or something like that. It doesn’t, sound moves on its own. It’s a wave, but what you can do is control the dispersion of it. So if you’ve got your […]

Digitize Your Reality: A Conversation with Randy Sosin – Part 2

Digitize Your Reality: A Conversation with Randy Sosin – Part 2 “The interesting thing about Napster was, you know, they built this really cool community and everyone had to upload their music to a server. So they controlled the servers. And because the music business doesn’t understand it and because it wasn’t their thing, they […]

Digitize Your Reality: A Conversation with Randy Sosin – Part 1

Digitize Your Reality: A Conversation with Randy Sosin – Part 1 “One of the biggest problems that we have in the world today is that we’ve devalued music to, it’s basically free. And, you know, I keep seeing these articles like, well, ‘what if Spotify charged you $14.99 a month?’ That isn’t going to fix […]

Mobile Audio Technology & Podcasting On the Go: A Conversation with Fernando Eid Pires – Part 2 “Eyesight’s probably the first sense most prioritized by the brain but right behind it is hearing and it can influence your state of mind, your emotions. You know, if you put the right music to work, you work […]