
Jodi Krangle Voice Actor Casting-Director-And-Coach,-Mary-Lynn-Wissner-part-2

Interview With Casting Director And Coach, Mary Lynn Wissner – Part 2

Here’s the second part of my interview with casting director and coach, Mary Lynn Wissner. We talked about common mistakes she sees voice actors make and what she suggests voice talent do to differentiate themselves. We also spoke about things like: How voiceover work is about so much more than having a nice voice How […]

Jodi Krangle Voice Actor Casting-Director-And-Coach,-Mary-Lynn-Wissner-part-1

Interview With Casting Director and Coach, Mary Lynn Wissner – Part 1

Since 1990, Mary Lynn Wissner’s company Voices Voicecasting has cast thousands and thousands of voice talent in thousands and thousands of voiceover productions. She directs workshops, coaches voice talent, consults, and directs talent around the world. While things have certainly changed in the midst of the COVID-19 shutdowns (during which time this episode was recorded), […]

Jodi Krangle Voice Actor Is-It-Too-Late

Is It Too Late?

Our audio landscape is definitely changing.  It’s becoming more and more important for brands to have a recognizable sound, especially with the rise of Alexa, Google Home, and similar products. Even our appliances are becoming “smart”.  If they recognize voice commands, how long will it be before they start selling us products directly – without […]


Taking Your Show On The Road

I just recently went to my first podcasting convention (MAPCON, now the Independent Podcast Conference in Atlantic City) and had the privilege of meeting a lot of super talented and passionate people who create and have services for, podcasters (of which, I am now one!).  One of the topics that came up time and time […]

Jodi Krangle Voice Actor A condenser microphone

Voice Over Licensing & Usage Explained

Hiring a voice actor for your project is easier than you think – but at the same time, it’s not really an exchange of time for an exchange of dollars.  It has more in common with the way you might license music or photography for a commercial project.  There are also different pricing structures based […]

Jodi Krangle Voice Actor SOVAS Award1

Winner of the 2018 SOVAS Award for Outstanding Narration Demo

On November 18th of this year, the 5th annual Society of Voice Arts & Sciences held their awards ceremony at Warner Bros. Studio in L.A.  My TV (In Show) Narration Demo was nominated for an award (along with several other very talented nominees) when it was sent in by my demo producer, J. Michael Collins.  […]