Thanks so much for agreeing to be on the show!
Here are some things you should know about, before, during and after we record your episode.
Make sure your surroundings are quiet for the interview
- If your environment is a quiet one, it’ll make for a much better recording and will showcase your expertise in the best possible way.
- You also don’t want a space with high ceilings and a lot of hard surfaces. You probably already know this (you work in sound, after all! 🙂 ) – but the less reflective surfaces around you, the better your audio will sound.
Check your recording setup
- If possible, use a separate mic. The internal mic of your computer will work, but it isn’t the best quality.
- Also – and this is VERY important – please use headphones. This cuts down on echo getting into the end recording. Closed ear headphones are best, but if you have some earbuds or something similar, that will work too. Something is better than nothing.
- If at all possible, make sure you’re wired in to the internet rather than using wi-fi. It’s just a more stable connection.
- You might also want to close any programs you don’t need specifically for the interview.
Let’s Connect!
It would be great if we could connect on Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter so that when your episode goes live, I’ll be able to tag you! (I’ve linked to my profiles on each of them so that’s an easy click. 🙂 )
Listen to an episode or two of the podcast
So that you know what to expect, I’ve included the podcast episodes at the bottom of the page here for easy access. Listening to one or two (or more, if you like, of course) will give you an idea of what our interview will be like.
Would you like to contribute to The Studio?
I have a resource for email subscribers only, where I share videos, pdf white papers, copies of books or presentations, snippets of the audio from some of my interviews that no one else hears, and discounts from my guests. If you feel there’s something you’d like to add to that resources page so that my subscribers can get to know you better, please do let me know. I’ll let you have a look at it first so you can see where your contribution might fit. Just toss me an email!
We’ll be connecting for our interview using and I’ll provide you with a link before the call (that should already be in your email – or will be arriving shortly). This is a browser-based service that works well with the most up to date versions of most browsers – however, please note that Apple’s Safari browser is not yet supported.
Below is a video about how to connect when you click on the link to join our interview session. And if you happen to get disconnected during our interview, just hit the gold “reconnect” button. Their system is recording the audio from your local computer, so even if there’s a short interruption, it should pick right back up. It won’t be subject to the blips and such of the internet, even if we’re seeing that on our end.
Again, please use headphones of some kind. If you don’t have headphones, we’ll need to reschedule our interview for a time when you do. Thanks for your understanding!
Things to keep in mind while we’re speaking:
- While we’ll be seeing one another in video (it’s just easier to have a good conversation when seeing the visual cues of your expression) I won’t be recording the video. Only the audio.
- Since this isn’t a live recording, if you want to repeat a sentence, or misspoke something and want to correct it, you can certainly say something and start again. The previous part will be edited out. (My editor is really good at what he does! His name is Humberto. You can address him by name, if you like. He gets a kick out of that. 😉 ) It’s always my intention for our discussion to highlight your skills and knowledge in the best possible way.
- Our interview is scheduled for 60 minutes. It’s meant to be a discussion and I welcome stories (specific case studies, examples, etc.) you’d like to tell that are relevant to your area of expertise. Stories always draw me in, and my audience isn’t any different.
- There’s also a handy mic mute button in the SquadCast interface that you’re welcome to use if you need to cough or clear your throat, etc.
Please keep in mind that it could be several months from the time of our interview before your episode goes live.
- I’ll tag you in my social media when your episode goes live (that’s why I ask to connect with you on social media beforehand).
- I’ll email you a link to your audiograms (there will be two – one for each part of your two part episode) along with a link to the post on my website and a graphic to use, if you’d rather promote it on your own. It’ll also be available on all the usual podcast listening locations.
- I really hope you’ll share! Even if it’s just sharing from my posts on social media, it would be super helpful.
- Would you consider reviewing the podcast? If so, you can visit this link (or just go to Apple Podcasts in whatever country you’re in).
Thank you SO MUCH for being a guest on the show! I wouldn’t have asked you on at all if you weren’t already awesome – and I’m looking forward to sharing that awesomeness with the world. 🙂
— Jodi
Download your Free 5 Tips for Creating an Intentional Audio Strategy & Join other subscribers in “The Studio” Resources center by clicking here.