I recently came across a fascinating article about an old concert hall, buried 40 feet below street level underneath a piano shop in Boston. In its heyday, it was surely beautiful. Acoustically, it had every advantage. (When you can craft an environment that far underground, silencing the city sounds above all but completely, it’s understandable!) […]
Creativity for Fun & Profit
Being creative can be both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes that means “conforming” is really hard. It often mean blazing your own trail. And that too, can be really hard. Traditional jobs – working 9-5 in an office – doesn’t really work for us. Or if it does, it only does for very limited […]
What Would You Do With A Million Dollars?
Honestly, and I know this probably sounds pretty trite – I’d continue doing what I’m doing. But I’d be a lot more relaxed about life in general, that’s for sure. How about you? What would that kind of money mean to you? Do you feel it’s entirely unattainable? Some pie in the sky idea that […]
Improvising Shakespeare
Who let me in here? How did I get where I am? Why do I deserve this? What if I … (fill in the blank – forget my lines, play a wrong note, say something stupid in a meeting … You get the idea.) We all have these thoughts. We all wonder how we got […]
The Growth Now Movement
Justin Schenck is an entrepreneur and public speaker who hosts a podcast called the Growth Now Movement. By now, you’re probably starting to see a theme in my blog posts – one of self discovery and yes, growth – in both your business and personal life. Listening to this podcast is only one of the […]