“When we’re talking about audio-only formats, it’s especially important that you capture your audience using your voice and it should be impactful so that they tune in and want to continue listening. It only takes seven seconds for somebody to decide they want to change the station, whether that be a song they like or […]
In The Clubhouse: The Power of Audio Branding – Part 2
“Doing audio branding very often has similarities to coaching. It’s always a change management process and it’s also iterative, so it’s almost repeating the same procedures a couple of times until you get closer and closer to something that everybody agrees is ‘okay, that’s the goal.’ And by the way, goals are the most important […]
In The Clubhouse: The Power of Audio Branding – Part 1
“So it’s really no surprise that, you know, it’s back in the driver’s seat now, when everyone is really fighting and yearning for how to capture attention, even a little bit of attention, from an exhausted and overwhelmed and overstimulated population base globally. So I think it applies itself to media, to what you’re eating, […]
Being More Human: An Interview With Graham Brown – Part 2
“All this machine learning is dehumanizing a lot of our interactions, and I say that as an AI graduate, very passionate about AI. Machine learning, pandemic data is very much dehumanizing a lot of what we do, everything from the chatbot to the less personal interaction with people.” — Graham Brown This week my interview […]
Being More Human: An Interview With Graham Brown – Part 1
“If you’ve grown up not wanting to make mistakes because that was beaten out of you in the system, or if you’ve grown up trying to be perfect in your appearance, all of that is tough. Now you have to go onto a podcast and you have to be human, which is not easy.” — […]
The Power of Podcasting – Online Resources
(Tip: You’ll find lots of great, inexpensive software programs to help you with your podcast on Appsumo’s “Start Your Podcast” page. And these are lifetime purchases, not monthly licenses!) It’s hard to believe it’s been almost two years since the very first episode of Audio Branding. We’ve featured over forty exciting guests since the show […]