The Psychology of Sound: A Conversation with Howard Lim “So what we found out about the Flying Dutchman, for example, they’ve been in business for forty years and they simply didn’t know how to grow. But one thing I’d found out when I went to the original Flying Dutchman store is that people like to […]
audio branding
Crafting a Memorable Sound Identity: A Conversation with Jon Brennan – Part 2
Crafting a Memorable Sound Identity “All right, so this happens a lot is that brands will be, especially in agencies, they’ll be coming up on a new campaign and they’ll think, ‘Oh well, you know what, this campaign is going to launch at such date, I’ll throw some audio branding on there.’ And then, from […]
Create an Effective Sonic Branding Strategy: A Conversation with Jon Brennan – Part 1
Create an Effective Sonic Branding Strategy “That’s right, yeah, and to me, that’s one of the most important steps in the whole process is this research, brand assessment. And then you bring that research and assessment to life in the mood board, and that is what allows you to create something that is so customized […]
Engaging Listeners with Creative Audio Strategies: A Conversation with Traci DeForge – Part 1
Engaging Listeners with Creative Audio Strategies “I really believe in developing the power of an audio brand as the Nike swoosh, as the Amazon arrow smile. Your audio brand should be as recognizable to your personal brand, to your business brand, however you’re leveraging your audio platform. It should be as good a quality, and […]
How Sound and Music Influence Nature and Behavior: A Conversation with Pavle Marinkovic – Part 2
How Sound and Music Influence Nature and Behavior: “We typically think about music as a listening experience, playing an instrument, dancing. And I think that’s like a narrow view of seeing, of looking at this concept of music. And that was one of the inspirations. What I wanted to do in this book was to […]
How Music Shapes Taste: A Conversation with Pavle Marinkovic – Part 1
How Music Shapes Taste: A Conversation with Pavle Marinkovic – Part 1 “When I started researching how music affected all these different parts of the food life cycle, I stumbled upon research about how it changed our perception of taste, how it can make beer taste more bitter or wine have a more full […]